News Brief: May 27, 2019

May 27, 2019

Public Relations

The weekly news brief contains the latest news and information from Palo Alto College.


PAC celebrates student success at commencement ceremony

Palo Alto College (PAC) held its 32nd annual Commencement Ceremony on Monday, May 20. A record 853 students crossed the stage to celebrate earning an associate degree, certificate, or GED. More than 220 of the graduates were students from five of PAC's seven early college high schools. Rosie Castro served as keynote speaker and received the Alamo College District's 22nd honorary degree; Rep. Philip Cortez (Texas District 117) and Maria Garcia (vice president at CPS Energy) were named the 2019 Outstanding Former Students.


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Submission guidelines:
• Title: All submissions should include a title
• Body: Do not exceed 80 words or 3-4 full sentences
• No bullets; use full sentences only
• Use proper grammar and punctuation